Dialogs Detail Report
Dialogs Detail – report that displays detailed information about each dialog.
General report filters - allow you to select 1 or more possible values of a parameter from a list:
Date/Time - filter by time
Select Agents - filter by agents
Select Inboxes – filter by inbox
Select Teams – filter by teams
Dialog ID - filter by dialog ID
Conversation ID - filter by conversation ID
Contact ID - filter by contact ID
Select status - filter by status
Application number - filter by application number
Select messenger - filter by messenger
List of metrics available for display in the report:
The date and time of the start of a dialog
Dialog ID
Dialog ID
Conversation ID
Conversation ID
Contact ID
Contact ID
An inbox name
Inbox ID
An inbox ID
An agent name
Agent ID
An agent ID
A team name
Team ID
A team ID
The first response speed of an agent is calculated as the time between the assignment of a dialog to an agent and the agent's first response.
The indicator is calculated only for incoming dialogs (i.e., if the agent initiated the dialog, the indicator will be empty).
If 2 agents participated in the dialog and there were 2 first responses, the indicator will display the sum of the time for these two agents.
Number of first responses
The speed of the first agent response from the start of the dialog is calculated as the time from the start of the dialog to the first agent response.
The indicator is calculated only for incoming dialogs (i.e., if the dialog was initiated by an agent or bot, the indicator will be empty).
The sum of an agent's total response speed.
The agent response speed is calculated as the time between pairs of agent-client messages.
The Number of "customer message-agent response" pairs
The number of incoming messages from a customer
The number of incoming messages from a customer when an agent was assigned to a conversation
The number of outgoing messages from an agent
The number of outgoing messages from a bot
The duration of a dialog
Duration on agent
The duration of a dialog when an agent was assigned to a conversation
Duration on team
The duration of a dialogue when a team was assigned to a conversation
Request num
The sequence number of a dialog within a conversation
Contact name
A contact name
Contact email
Contact phone number
Contact identifier
Contact custom attributes
Custom attributes
Conversation additional attributes
Additional conversation attributes
Current conversation tags
Current conversation labels
A messenger from which a message was received
Wrap-Up Codes
Special codes that agents use to categorize dialogs with customers, providing them with additional context
Direction of the dialog:
inbound - a dialog initiated by the client;
outbound - a dialog initiated by an agent or bot and no assignments to another agent/team were made within the dialog;
outbound/inbound - a dialog initiated by an agent or bot and within the dialog there was an assignment to another agent/team)
Initiator of dialog
Initiator ID
ID of the initiator of the dialog
Initiator name
Name of the dialog initiator
The number that the calling party dialed For chat - NULL
Pending time
Total duration of the dialog in the pending status
Snoozed time
Total duration of the dialog in the snoozed status
OnInbox time
Total duration of the dialog in the OnInbox status
OnTeam time
Total duration of the dialog in sub-status OnTeam
InQueue time
Total duration of the dialog in sub-status InQueue
Interacting time
Total duration of the dialog in sub-status Interacting
Alerting time
Total duration of the dialog in sub-status Alerting
Acw time
Total duration of the dialog in sub-status ACW
Total duration of the dialog in sub-status hold
Total duration of the dialog in sub-status dialing
Total duration of the dialog in sub-status contacting
Handling time
Total duration of dialog handling by the agent (calculated as: (interacting time + hold time + dialing time + contacting time + acw time))
Pending #
Number of dialog transitions to pending status
Snoozed #
Number of dialog transitions to snoosed status
OnInbox #
Number of dialog transitions to OnInbox status
OnTeam #
Number of dialog transitions to OnTeam status
InQueue #
Number of dialog transitions to InQueue status
Interacting #
Number of dialog transitions to interacting status
Alerting #
Number of dialog transitions to alerting status
Acw #
Number of dialog transitions to ACW status
Hold #
Number of dialog transitions to hold status
Dialing #
Number of dialog transitions to dialing status
Contacting #
Number of dialog transitions to contacting status
Terminated by
Who ended the dialog
First Team ID
ID of the first assigned team
First Team
Name of the first assigned team
FlowOut time
Total duration from the moment a dialog is assigned to a team to the moment it is removed from the team without being assigned to an agent (for example, you can configure the logic that after n minutes of waiting in the queue, the assignment team is automatically changed to another)
FlowOut #
Number of times the dialog was removed from the team without being assigned to an agent
Number of times the dialog was accepted by the agent
Answered time
The overall speed of dialog acceptance by the agent from the moment of assignment to the team. This indicator shows how long the customer waits in the queue until the agent accepts the dialog.
Number of times the dialog was handled by the agent
Abandoned on team
Whether the dialog was completed by the client in the queue/team
Short abandoned onteam
This indicator is used to calculate SL and usually such dialogs are not taken into account. For example, if a customer completes a dialog within 10 seconds of entering the queue, it does not affect the SL indicator.
Abandoned onteam time
Duration of time from the moment of assignment to the team to the moment the client ends the dialog in the queue without waiting for the agent to accept
Number of times the dialog was transferred to another agent/team
Not responded
Number of times the agent did not accept or reject the dialog
Clicking on a value in the Dialog ID, Conversation ID, Contact ID fields takes you to a specified dialog, conversation, or contact.
Last updated