⚙️Account settings
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Account settings are the default configurations for an organization. They are automatically applied to new users upon creation and to the whole system. Further, if users have access to change these settings, they will be able to modify them (e.g. when users first log in, they will see the site language preset by the administrator in Account Settings).
Account name
Site language
Sip domain
Sip server address
Notifications - notifications that appear at a user's workplace when certain events occur.
NovaTalks sends notifications for these events:
New message notification
when a new message is received in a dialog that is assigned to this agent
when the NovaTalks window is out of focus or collapsed
Assigned dialog notification
when a dialog is assigned to this agent
when the NovaTalks window is out of focus or collapsed
when an agent has a NovaTalks window open
New mention notification
when this agent is mentioned in a message by another agent in a dialog
when the NovaTalks window is out of focus or collapsed
when an agent has a NovaTalks window open
Each notification can have the following types of alerts:
Play sounds
Blinking tab icon
Pop-up message on the desktop
To enable notifications, users must select the desired alert types for each notification type at their workplace.
For the Pop-up message on the desktop alert type, make sure to enable it in your web browser settings. Otherwise, this alert type will not be available.
Logout warning if a user has open conversations - prevent users from logging out or display a logout warning if they have any open assigned conversations.
You can configure the warning in a few ways:
No warning, allow logout
Display warning, allow logout
Display warning, forbid logout
Show system messages - an option to control the display of system messages in a conversation history.
While resnoozing conversation, reassign an agent if his status is offline - this option allows you to assign a dialog to another available agent if the current one is not in the system.
Don't show conversations with mentions older than, days - limits the number of conversations in the Mentions filter on the Conversations tab to make the filter faster.
Long response notification, sec - highlights conversations that haven't received a response from an agent within the set timeout. These conversations will display a red bar on the left side in the Conversations tab.
Substatus - a reason for changing to a specific status. Administrators can add custom substatuses (e.g., lunch, break, training) for users to select.
There are two types of substatuses:
System - substatuses that are automatically switched to by the system. It cannot be edited/deleted/deactivated. The following are included:
System - the substatus a user is automatically switched to upon login.
Not responding - the substatus a user is automatically switched to if they do not answer (accept) a conversation within the Alerting Timeout.
Custom - standard substatuses that users can edit, delete, deactivate, or substatuses that have been created by users.
Existing and custom buttons can be configured in the following sections:
Call control - the call control section (applicable only for Call conversation type). This section includes the following custom buttons:
Consult transfer
Blind transfer
On the Сall control panel, you can hide and rearrange buttons, but you cannot add custom buttons.
Reply - the reply section in a conversation (not applicable for Call conversation type). This section includes the following buttons that can be edited:
AI Assistant - a custom set of requests to OpenAI:
Improve Writing - to rephrase an answer
Fix Grammar - to correct mistakes
Translate to En - to translate a message to English
Change tone: Formal - to change the tone of a message to formal
Change tone: Friendly - to change the tone of a message to friendly
Expand - to expand a message
Shorten - to shorten a message
Reply Suggestion - to provide a reply suggestion
To display the buttons on an Agent's workspace, click the Show icon.
For more information on how to use these requests, please refer to the AI Assistant
Get Data - automated chatbot scenarios for gathering customer contact details:
Get Phone - phone number request
Get Email - email request
For more information on how to use these requests, please refer to the Get customer data
Private Note - the private note section of a conversation. This section includes the following buttons that can be edited:
AI Summarize - a custom request to OpenAI to summarize a dialog.
To display the button on an Agent's workspace, click the Show icon.
For more information on how to use these requests, please refer to the AI Assistant
You can add custom buttons in the Reply and Private Note sections.
When you add a button, specify the following:
Button Name
Parent item fills in automatically and shows a button's hierarchical level.
Action - a choice of what action to perform when the button is clicked. Possible options:
Run macros
Show a submenu - used when multiple functions need to be added to a button.
Macros name - a macro that runs when a button is clicked.
Buttons can be rearranged and hidden or shown.
Settings that are considered when calculating SL:
Include Flowouts in Calculation SL (flowouts are those dialogs that were waiting in the queue, were not assigned/accepted by the agent, and were assigned to another team or removed from the team. For example, after n minutes of waiting in the queue, the client was offered a callback or the assignment team was changed to another one).
Include Abondons in Calculation SL (abondons are those dialogs that were waiting in the queue and were completed before being assigned/accepted by the agent)
Include Short Abondons in Calculation SL (short abondons are those dialogs that were waiting in the queue and were completed before being assigned/accepted by the agent within the time set in the Short Abandons, count if disconnect time is less than, sec)
Short Abandons, count if disconnect time is less than, sec - If a dialog is resolved in the queue within the set time, it will be considered short and may be excluded from Service Level calculations.