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To connect an Email channel in NovaTalks, select Email as the channel type when creating a new Inbox.
The main settings show an Inbox name, support email address, IMAP, and SMTP settings.
Inbox Name
Email - an email address for your customers to send support inquiries to.
Conversation Type - a type of inbox from which a customer contacts you. The Email channel has a default setting of Email.
IMAP Settings
Address - an email server address for IMAP communication to receive messages.
Port - a port number used to connect to a mail server via the IMAP protocol.
Login - an email address for which the settings are set.
Password - an IMAP password.
SMTP Settings
Address - an email server address for SMTP communication to send messages.
Port - a port number used to connect to a mail server via the SMTP protocol.
Login - an email address for which the settings are set.
Password - an SMTP password.
Domain - a domain name or address of your email domain that is associated with the SMTP mail service.
Encryption - the available encryption options: SSL/TLS or STARTTLS.
Authentication - possible authentication methods: login or plain.
For information on how to set up an IMAP/SMTP connection, we recommend that you consult your email provider's guide.
Utilization, % - an indicator that shows how much a certain dialogue utilizes an agent. Possible values: 0 - 100.
Depending on the value of this parameter, the current utilization of an agent is calculated (the sum of the utilization of dialogs assigned to this agent).
When automatically distributing dialogs, an agent utilization should not exceed 100%.
Therefore, the lower the utilization value of a dialog assigned to a team, the more dialogs can be automatically distributed to an agent and vice versa.
Auto Assignment Limit - the maximum number of simultaneous conversations an agent can handle within a given Team and Conversation type. Once this limit is reached, ACD will no longer assign similar dialogues to that agent.
Auto Answer is the option that determines if a dialog is accepted automatically when assigned to an agent.
Alerting Timeout - the duration an agent has to accept or reject a conversation. If an agent does not respond within this time, the conversation returns to the beginning of the queue, and the agent's status changes to Busy substatus Not responding.
The option is available only if the Auto Answer option is disabled.
Wrap-up codes - special codes used to categorize dialogs with customers. They are selected by an agent after resolving a conversation.
Wrap-Up Timeout (sec) - the time limit for selecting a Wrap-up code. If an agent does not react within the specified time, a conversation resolves, and the Wrap-up code is not set.
The list of agents included in an Inbox.
Steps to view the settings of a new channel and confirm its creation.