Online chat and widget on a website
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Last updated
To connect an online chat and widget in NovaTalks, select Website as the channel type when creating a new Inbox.
The main settings show an Inbox name, connected Channels to a widget, Chatbot, and widget design settings.
Add Channel - create channels that will be added to a widget.
When adding a channel, the following fields need to be filled: Name, URL, Hint, Channel type and select the "Enable channel" checkbox.
Website name
Chatbot - a chatbot connected to a channel (Setting up in the Chatbots).
Widget Color
Welcome Heading - a welcome message displayed in the widget header.
Bubble image URL - a URL for a custom image to display instead of the default widget icon.
Show close widget icon
Get settings from server - the option that specifies whether widget settings should be stored on the server.
If enabled, settings will be updated automatically by sending a request to the NovaTalks server.
If disabled, the settings are saved locally on a customer's HTML page. Whenever you change a widget's settings, you must copy a configuration code and update the HTML page.
Language tracking - an option that determines whether to store a client's language of communication in the contact attributes when they reach out through online chat.
URL tracking - an option that determines whether to store a URL from which the conversation in the online chat began in the contact attributes.
UTM tracking - an option that determines whether to store an UTM labels contained in the URL from which the conversation in the online chat began in the contact attributes (for more information, see Custom system attributes of a contact).
URL/UTM tracking is not supported on Twitter and Line.
Tracking for Instagram only works when a link is opened on a mobile device.
Start message - a message text that will be added to a client's message input window of the selected channel. Active only for WhatsApp, Telegram by phone, and Email channels.
For WhatsApp, Telegram by phone, and Email, you need to get the clickId parameter for URL/UTM tracking. When a customer selects one of these channels on the widget, the Start message along with the clickId will be automatically added to a client's message input window of the selected channel. You can specify your own Start message text, but be sure to include the variable clickId={{shortUUID}}.
If the Start message does not contain the clickId={{shortUUID}} variable or the client does not send a message with the variable, then the URL/UTM tracking will not be performed.
OS tracking - an option that determines whether to store the operating system of the customer who contacted you via online chat in the contact attributes.
Browser name tracking - an option that determines whether to store the browser name of the customer who contacted you via online chat in the contact attributes.
IP and country tracking by IP - an option that determines whether to store the country of the customer who contacted you via online chat in the contact attributes.
Site language
Conversation type - a type of inbox from which a customer contacts you. The Website channel has a default setting of Chat.
Enable language custom contact attribute - this option specifies whether a language used by a customer during an online chat should be saved in the contact attributes.
Form fields types:
Standard fields are the main contact fields (email address, phone number, and full name).
Custom fields are custom attribute fields.
Set up a form:
Select whether the field is mandatory by toggling the slider next to each field.
Select whether or not to show the field by dragging the slider next to each field.
Configure different settings for the Pre-Chat form depending on whether the chat centre is online or offline.
Show agent name
Show agent avatar
Position - a position where a widget will be displayed: bottom right/bottom left/centre left/centre right.
Margin - the number of pixels or % by which a widget will be offset from the edge of the browser window.
Devices - sets on which devices a widget will be displayed: Desktop and/or Mobile version and in what form a widget will be displayed for each type of device: Minimized or Maximized.
Icons - sets the position in which messenger icons will be displayed for each type of device: Horizontal or Vertical.
Widget iFrame Embedding - the ability to place a widget on a website as an iframe.
Utilization, % - an indicator that shows how much a certain dialogue utilizes an agent. Possible values: 0 - 100.
Depending on the value of this parameter, the current utilization of an agent is calculated (the sum of the utilization of dialogs assigned to this agent).
When automatically distributing dialogs, an agent utilization should not exceed 100%.
Therefore, the lower the utilization value of a dialog assigned to a team, the more dialogs can be automatically distributed to an agent and vice versa.
Auto Assignment Limit - the maximum number of simultaneous conversations an agent can handle within a given Team and Conversation type. Once this limit is reached, ACD will no longer assign similar dialogues to that agent.
Auto Answer is the option that determines if a dialog is accepted automatically when assigned to an agent.
Alerting Timeout - the duration an agent has to accept or reject a conversation. If an agent does not respond within this time, the conversation returns to the beginning of the queue, and the agent's status changes to Busy substatus Not responding.
The option is available only if the Auto Answer option is disabled.
Wrap-up codes - special codes used to categorize dialogs with customers. They are selected by an agent after resolving a conversation.
Wrap-Up Timeout (sec) - the time limit for selecting a Wrap-up code. If an agent does not react within the specified time, a conversation resolves, and the Wrap-up code is not set.
The list of agents included in an Inbox.
Steps to view the settings of a new channel and confirm its creation
Copy this Channel Code and embed it in your website.